Tuesday, November 17, 2015

October 30th and November 1st - Geocaching

October 30th.
It was a kind of interesting day for us.  We started looking for caches right here in our area, then we didn't like how our truck was sounding. We took it to a shop in Randolph to get it checked out, and while there searched out a couple of other caches. Right there in Randolph is an area of houses known as Victory Gardens.  This started out as military housing during WWII.  They were supposed to be temporary.  After the war, the residents didn't want to leave and did everything they could to stay.  The town of Randolph didn't want to be responsible for them, so eventually Morris county declared them and incorporated area of their own.

November 1st.
We drove around Wildcat Ridge hiking for a bit.  Then we went to the area where you can walk to an old mine entrance where there are lots of bats.

Our first few caches were in the shopping center across the street. One of them was really tricky.  When we got to Randolph, one was across the street from the shop in a nearly deserted shopping center as well.  The other one we found was in Victory Gardens.  It was tricky because they give you three points in the area and distances from those three points to the cache.  You have to triangulate to location from those clues.  We found it.

On the second day here, we looked for a quick find in the bat cave parking lot.  Sneaky, but we found it.

Large cache in the bushes

It's gotta be right here

Clue was: "Looks like it belongs"

High voltage sign is a magnet with a signable log on the back.

In the shopping center at Randolph, up under this sign...

A key box!

Found it!

Historical location marker at Victory Gardens

Also here a veteran's memorial

Wildcat Ridge coming up on the Hawkwatch area.

Great view though the trees are a little more into late fall.

Entrance to the old mine and bat cave.  There was a cache close to here, but it was too dark to look for it well.

An air vent for the mine.  We did see a couple of bats flittering around.

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