Wednesday, April 5, 2017

February 2nd. Where have you been?

Last and final apology for the space between us.  I haven't been blogging, because we haven't been doing very much.  The situation with the truck not running well, having to come up with the cash to fix it, and then suffering a shortness of funds as a result badly curtailed our wanderlust adventures.  Still, we got a few in. 

One of the great things about the reason we travel, that being her career as an RN, is we get to meet people she works with and make many new friends from all over the US that way. 

One of the great nurses Laurie met was Janey.  A nice fun person.  We had never been to the local town of Holtville.  The carrot capital of the world I guess.  One of the few craft brewers make their home out there and we decided to make a visit to Humble Farmer Brewing. 

The selection was what you would expect for Southern California tastes. A few IPAs, a Hefewiezen, and the usual assortment of blondes, lagers, and ales.  They did have a decent Barleywine, and a passible stout.

After our tasting, we went to a local restaurant for dinner.  I had some great ribs and there is a large projection TV screen which was showing a recording of the Crossroads Guitar Festival featuring Eric Clapton.  ( ).  We got into a discussion with Janey about geocaching and since there was a cache a couple of blocks away we went there to score a find.

GC2K91M The Holtville Cactus Garden.  A pretty easy find even in the dark.  There a a requirement of a picture to be posted, so I took a purposely goofy selfie for it.  The actual find was dated the next day because it has to be verified by the owner.

Yeah, our truck wouldn't start, so we got a ride home and a ride back the next day to get it.

Humble Farmer in Holtville, CA


Goofy geocache selfie

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