Thursday, December 31, 2015

Out with the old, and in with the new. 2015

Goodbye to you,2015.  You were quite a year as years go. Okay, I'm done with that.  haha.

Here's where we are.  I'm so glad to have people in my life who actually are interested enough to read my ramblings.   We have left Fargo and landed firmly in Santee, Ca.  I should now begin to have time to continue blogging and get caught up and move on with our life's adventure.

Coming posts have mainly to do with having fun with our grandkids and our holiday celebrations.

Speaking of holiday celebrations, you all have a great time tonight and remember all your friends and family. We'll see you on the other side as we begin 2016.

A final few words. Happy birthday to Nancy Hume, Cyndi Duncan, and Brianne Berg who are all celebrating their birthdays today.  Also A huge Happy Birthday to my cousin Rose Dernoncourt who gets to mark off another year of experience tomorrow as the year begins.

Well, that's all for now. Merry New Year, the bells come off the shoes at midnight.  Have a great night.

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